If you want to cover any kind of unexpected event when you are on route and receive the amount you have paid for the reservation in the refuges, do not hesitate to take a look at the conditions of this insurance:
The maximum date of contracting: date of formalization of the reservation of the route, as long as it is made at least 30 days before the start of the route. It cannot be done later.
Coverage: reimbursement of 100% of the amount of the half board of the shelters contracted and not enjoyed at the time of cancellation.
- It is essential to contact the organization so that the contracted insurance can be executed.
- From 2 days before the start of your route until the last night of your stay in the refuge.
- If you do not show up the day of departure and you have not given notice you will not be able to enjoy the coverage of this insurance even if you have contracted it.
- If you have made effective the Ternua digital voucher of 60 € in its online store you will have a penalty of 60 € that will be added to the amount of the contracted insurance.
- The refund will be made within 7 days after the execution of the insurance.
Price of the insurance: 99 €.